teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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I Love You

by sukuyumaruchan

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Journeys Through the Concert Hall: 2 Gallon Hatz
I'm sort of a musical guy. Therefore, it's only logical that I should bombard the Tyrannian Concert Hall every day of my pathetic life...

by tojiiru


Tough Luck! - Bad Hair Day
Just when you thought things couldn't get worse...

by hopeful_sweeti


When I Grow Up...
The teacher was quite amused. She'd heard from everyone, and she was very happy to see how much the children in her class cooperated. But then she noticed Psellia, in the corner...

by azn_suga_babe


Random Things!
Oh nose!

by sky665

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