There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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Science Is Wet

by ambrielle15

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Fastest runner...
Does anyone have a quarter?

by nav_z


Cruor Stilla: Part Four
He had been so into acting like a friend that he forgot that's all it was--acting. He noticed this suddenly when she suggested that it had been fun, and he tried to remind himself that he was mad at her...

by eikomei


By My Honor: Part One
"I want you to rise above where I spent my life." Her gaze returned to his eyes, sincere. "Tory, I want you to become a knight."

by laurelinden


A Quick Guide to Free the Crops
Everywhere you turn, you can see those small, slimy petpets. It’s like an invasion...

by s57v58

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