Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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by _demon_master

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It’s Not What You Think: Turmaculus
We’ve all heard of the Turmaculus, the giant Turmac that spends his time lying face down in the middle of Meridell, but do any of us really know what goes on inside the mind of this mighty petpet?

by freakogamer91


Jhudora's Weakness: Part Four
I avoided the club, but I was caught on the shoulder with a fist. I winced; I was going to have a huge bruise there tomorrow...

by nadine_clark


Johnny's Story: Part Two
"You're in the Pound, kid," the blue Pteri said, chuckling. "And 'till you get adopted, you ain't getting out."

by sarahsuk


The Evil Truth
...Stinky feet....

by cassandrafan3

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