Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 99,729,623 Issue: 198 | 8th day of Swimming, Y7
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword nut862

Week - 185

The Spending Spree
by nut862
Description: "Carl, this is the money we're going to buy food with," said the red Jetsam as he handed some coins to his brother. "Don't spend it!"

Week - 195

For The Life of a Pirate: Part One
by nut862
Description: Wouldn’t it be fun to sleep in a hammock instead of a boring, unmoving bed, with the salt spray in his face and the wind blowing across the deck?

Week - 196

For The Life of a Pirate: Part Two
by nut862
Description: Ron reached Krawk Island at last, dripping from his swim, but strangely exhilarated like never before. The dark didn’t bother him anymore. At last he could see the island he’d read so much about...

Week - 197

For The Life of a Pirate: Part Three
by nut862
Description: She tried to calm herself down, telling herself that there were a lot of orange Krawks and that most of them were probably pirates. But she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had a clue at last, after years of fruitless search...

Week - 198

For The Life of a Pirate: Part Four
by nut862
Description: “We have a treatment for stowaways, and that is that they must pay for their board by working around the ship.”

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