teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 100,597,592 Issue: 199 | 14th day of Swimming, Y7
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword eikomei

Week - 194

Cruor Stilla: Part One
by eikomei
Description: She was afraid to try it on, for some unexplainable reason, but felt the urge to all the same. What's the worst that could happen? she thought.

Week - 195

Cruor Stilla: Part Two
by eikomei
Description: "You can play innocent all you want, but we both know you indirectly insulted me, and I have no problem telling the Royals a story that will convince them that you are out of line with their laws..."

Week - 196

Cruor Stilla: Part Three
by eikomei
Description: He had been worrying that she would be suspicious of him if he was friendly with her, but here she was apologizing first. Maybe this would be easier than he thought it would be...

Week - 197

Cruor Stilla: Part Four
by eikomei
Description: He had been so into acting like a friend that he forgot that's all it was--acting. He noticed this suddenly when she suggested that it had been fun, and he tried to remind himself that he was mad at her...

Week - 198

Cruor Stilla: Part Five
by eikomei
Description: Zackwel had said he might come by, so she guessed that meant she was confined to the house if she wanted to see him...

Week - 199

Cruor Stilla: Part Six
by eikomei
Description: Be patient. Zackwel had said, in his own special way, that things were going perfectly, and she trusted him...

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The House on Aisha Avenue
Are you sure that works?

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Cruor Stilla: Part Six
Be patient. Zackwel had said, in his own special way, that things were going perfectly, and she trusted him...

by eikomei


It was the ugliest thing I've ever seen!

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Why I Rescue Kadoaties
Your job is to launch as many Warfs as you can by parachute to reach and rescue those little Kadoaties.

by ezrhide


The Son of Sahkmet: Part Five
"You promised to tell me about my parents. But you haven't; you haven't even told me why I'm here."

by twirlsncurls5

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