Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 100,597,592 Issue: 199 | 14th day of Swimming, Y7
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword sarahsuk

Week - 160

Welcome to Edna's Tower
by sarahsuk
Description: "I want you to get me that Cackle avatar," Tiffany answered, giving me my coat. "Just ask Edna nicely for it and she'll give it to you."

Week - 163

Cleaning the Mess
by sarahsuk
Description: "Did a tornado blow through here!?" Tiffany cried, walking in. "I can barely move with all your junk on the floor."

Week - 167

The Dream About Vegetables
by sarahsuk
Description: "Ahhh!" I screamed. "I'm finding myself falling into a big red circle! I wonder what it could be."

Week - 179

Journal: The Secret Safety Deposit Box
by sarahsuk
Description: I can never resist a little excitement. So I left my backpack in my chair and followed Kyle and Nathan to the other side of the room.

Week - 182

A Story of My Life: Part One
by sarahsuk
Description: I sat there in the rain. I will never forget that moment of my life. Not ever. Not even when I'm old and have a memory disorder. I felt my whole head spin around, I clutched Johnny's arm and felt myself sink into the ground.

Week - 183

A Story of My Life - Part Two
by sarahsuk
Description: "Thanks for taking us in," Maria said kindly, smiling at Sherry. "I know it was short notice. I wasn't expecting to get robbed."

Week - 184

A Story of My Life - Part Three
by sarahsuk
Description: Sherry gave me toast for breakfast, which I loved. I held Jill the entire time. When I told Maria that Johnny and Sherry had pitched in to get her for me she just sniffed and said, "That's nice."

Week - 185

A Story of My Life - Part Four
by sarahsuk
Description: I felt awful. I was a wreck. When Sherry asked me what was wrong I just burst into tears again. She held me in her lap like I was a little child and I told her everything.

Week - 196

Johnny's Story: Part One
by sarahsuk
Description: But then we had an argument and I just left. I couldn't help it, I was so angry. Now I'm here, wandering around in the rain...

Week - 197

Johnny's Story: Part Two
by sarahsuk
Description: "You're in the Pound, kid," the blue Pteri said, chuckling. "And 'till you get adopted, you ain't getting out."

Week - 198

Johnny's Story: Part Three
by sarahsuk
Description: Three figures came stomping down the stairs. I stared, my eyes wide with half fright and half examination...

Week - 199

Johnny's Story: Part Four
by sarahsuk
Description: I whirled around to face her. "What are you talking about? I wasn't adopted. I didn't have a family before this one."

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