A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 100,597,592 Issue: 199 | 14th day of Swimming, Y7
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword ssjelitegirl

Week - 186

The Dream of a Kitchen Boy
by ssjelitegirl
Description: The curious eyes belonged to Joey, a young Gelert who worked in the restaurant's kitchen. He had always wanted to become a pirate but it wasn't half as easy as he had imagined it to be.

Week - 187

Jhudora's Bottle
by ssjelitegirl
Description: Shara frowned and tried to figure out what to do with the bottle. The Ruki had talked about Faerieland, that made her careful...

Week - 189

The Tooth Faerie's Magic
by ssjelitegirl
Description: "And you're the only one who takes their lost teeth away," the Uni remarked, getting up and sniffing the rattling bag. "You could use an apprentice or something."

Week - 199

A Storm and a Kite
by ssjelitegirl
Description: When there's a wind, there's a way...

Week - 198

Mushroom for Phila: Part One
by ssjelitegirl
Description: Far away from the shops and tourist attractions, even from the farthest Neohomes, deep in the jungle right by a small river was a single campfire and four Neopets sitting around it...

Week - 199

Mushroom for Phila: Part Two
by ssjelitegirl
Description: She trotted down the path and disappeared. Tsuki sighed and followed her, dropping a dry "stay here and don't move" at the others...

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EndingArrow: Part Four
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Angie's Gift
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