Johnny's Story: Part Four by sarahsuk
I was allowed to go home that evening. I walked beside Bubbles
who chattered about how worried he had been when the car accident had occurred.
"I can't believe you just stopped in the middle
of the road!" the Bruce exclaimed. "I mean, WOW! If I knew what those 'car'
things could do I would have warned you. But I didn't… I suppose Nigel was in
SOME KIND OF A RUSH to be going that fast! Of course I've never seen him CLOSE
UP before." He kept raising his voice every five seconds.
"Hey, Johnny," Mage said, interrupting Bubbles.
"How come you told Dr. G that we were your family? I mean, I know you're a part
of us now… but I thought you had a grudge against us or something since we adopted
I whirled around to face her. "What are you talking
about? I wasn't adopted. I didn't have a family before this one."
"Of course you didn't!" Roja exclaimed, clapping
her hands loudly. Mage gave her a look, but she ignored it. "We've all been
a family for ages, haven't we?"
We went home without another word.
The next morning I awoke with sunlight in my
eyes. Derrick was lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling and Bubbles was still
snoring on the ground. I silently got out of bed and padded downstairs. I was
about to enter the kitchen when I heard muffled voices. It was Roja and Mage.
"What do you mean he lost his memory?" Mage cried.
"It's better if we don't remind him of his past,"
Roja murmured. "And besides, we don't know his past family. Why tell him that
he was adopted?"
Mage sighed. "I guess you're right."
I gasped. I couldn't believe what I heard. No-
I refused to believe it! I didn't know what to do so I ran. I ran right out
the front door and into the world. I ran until I couldn't take it any longer.
I stopped in front of a large yellow house with a red door in the shape of a
circle. I panted hard and collapsed on to the yard.
The front door opened and a girl with red hair
stepped out. Her eyes widened when she saw me. I stared at her blankly.
"Oh," I said. "Sorry." I got up off her lawn
and started to walk away when she cried out, "Wait!" I stopped and turned.
She stared at me. "Would you like to come in?"
I'm not sure why, but I accepted the invitation.
Soon I was sitting in the kitchen with a glass of milk. The girl introduced
herself as Sherry.
"So, what's your name?" Sherry asked in a soft
voice. Something about her seemed vaguely familiar.
"What- my name?" I took a sip of milk. "Johnny."
"I see," Sherry said. She didn't take her eyes
off me. I started to shift around in my seat when suddenly an Angelpuss flew
into the room. It landed on the table and stopped abruptly when it saw me. It
started squealing. I was shocked.
"Um, maybe I should go…" I started to stand up
when suddenly a Yellow Acara came running into the kitchen.
"Jill!" she shrieked. "Come back! How many times
have I-" She stopped in her tracks when she saw me. Everything was silent for
a second. Then the yellow Acara whispered, "Johnny?"
I stared at her. "Um, yes?"
The Acara squealed and ran to me, giving me a
great hug. I yelped and pushed her away. Her eyes were brimmed with tears.
"You've come back!" she said. "I'm so sorry,
Johnny. But Maria's gone now so we can be-"
"What!?" I cried. "What are you talking about??"
The Acara stopped. "Um… I mean…" She took a deep
breath. "Aren't you Johnny?"
"Yes, but I have a family of my own," I said,
slowly backing away. "Uh, thanks for the milk." I bolted out the door, leaving
Sherry, the Acara and the Angelpuss stunned.
I didn't know where else to go now. I didn't
want to face the truce at home… so I decided to go to the hospital. I would
find out if it was true. Did I really lose my memory and was I really adopted?
Or was that some sort of sick trick?
I jogged to the hospital and asked a passing
nurse where I could find Dr. G. She gave me directions to his office. I thanked
her and made my way to find the green Gelert. I found his office easily and
I knocked on his door. There was a moment of silence and then the door swung
"Why, hello, Johnny!" Dr. G cried. "How nice
to see you… come in."
I sat down in a chair and got right to business.
"Dr. G, I'd like you to tell me exactly what happened to me yesterday. After
the car crash, I mean."
"Well, Johnny, you broke a bone in your wing.
It's damaged and I hope you haven't tried to fly." Dr. G paused. "Of course,
there's also the bruises you got from the-"
"No, Dr. G, that's not what I meant," I said,
sighing inwardly. "I mean… what happened to… my mind?"
"You mean Roja didn't tell you?" Dr. G said,
looking surprised. "Well, you must have lost some brain cells…"
"No!" I cried. "I mean… did I lose my… memory?"
"My God!" Dr. G yelled. "Your memory? Johnny,
I don't know if you did or not. There's no way for knowing for sure. But of
course…" He paused. "It's very possible. Very likely it could have happened."
He raised his eyebrows. "But if you did lose your memory I'm sure Roja would
have told you…"
I sighed. "I'm not sure about that."
"Oh yes, Johnny!" Dr. G cried suddenly. "I have
something for you." He reached in his desk and pulled out a pouch. "You left
this at the hospital yesterday I believe."
I took it from him and examined it. Was this
part of my past?
"Thank you, Dr. G," I said quickly. "Thank you
very much."
I ran out of the office. I knew how to find out
for sure if it was true… if I had really lost my memory. I went straight to
the Adoption Pound.
I walked into the old building. There was a door
that marked 'Pets for Adoption' so I went in there. Cages lined against the
walls with Neopets screaming inside. I gazed at the poor creatures with sadness.
"Hey, it's Johnny!" a voice yelled.
I turned and saw a red Kacheek and blue Pteri
grinning at me. I stared at them.
"Hi Johnny!" the blue Pteri cried. "Remember
me? Bonder! And Razz!" He gestured to the red Kacheek.
"Uh… do I know you?" I asked.
They stared at me, confused.
"Surely you remember us," Razz said. "How could
you forget? We were here for you when you were in the pound. And now you've
come back for us just like you promised."
My heart skipped a beat. "I was in the p-pound?"
I stammered.
"You have a bad memory, mate," Bonder said. "Remember?
Dr. D brought you here from the Coffee Shop?"
"And before you got adopted by that freaky lady
you promised to come back for us," Razz added. "And the Kougra you were going
to save, the one who cried every night… yeah, he got adopted. So now you just
gotta save the two of us!" She beamed.
"I…" Images flashed through my head. A paw reaching
out to me… a high pitched wail… I turned and ran.
"Wait, Johnny!" Razz shouted.
I ran almost all the way home when a Chia on
a bike yelled, "Watch out!" I turned and saw him speeding toward me. I leaped
out of the way and rolled on the ground. Suddenly the pouch split open and pieces
of a vase spilled out. I gasped. A thousand images started to run through my
The day when Maria lost everything… Sherry taking
us in… The chocolate cake… Our rooms… Jill… The fight… The vase breaking… The
Coffee Shop…
I knew the truth now. I knew everything that
had happened. I scooped up the pieces and ran as fast as I could. When I reached
the house I opened the door and marched inside.
"Roja!" I yelled. "We have to TALK."
Let the confronting begin.
Instead of just Roja appearing, Bubbles, Mage
and Derrick came too. I took a deep breath and said, "How come you didn't tell
me about…"
"Oh my-" Roja gasped. "How did you…?"
I smirked. "I did my homework."
The next few days were a blur. I couldn't quite
believe what had happened. Roja was in tears, explaining how she wanted me to
be apart of the family so badly… Bubbles was confused… Mage had become silent…
and Derrick… he was just Derrick.
I decided to go back to Sherry and Carrie and
Jill. I was packing my things one night when Derrick approached me.
"I guess you're going now," he said.
I looked at him, shocked. "You talked to me!'
"Yeah," he shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I
just didn't feel like talking after I got dumped in the pound, ya know?" He
shuffled his feet. "So… I'll see you around?"
I nodded. "See you."
I left the house, saying my good byes. Although
I didn't like them very much, they had softened me up some… and I would miss
them. I said I would visit once in awhile… they seemed overjoyed to hear that.
Sherry and Carrie were even more overjoyed to
see me. I shared my story with them and they listened carefully, soaking in
every word. Then I slept, Jill resting with me. The next morning I had business
to do. I told Sherry my plan and she smiled and nodded. It would be put into
action soon.
I gave Carrie the pieces of the vase and she
insisted on putting it back together for me. Then I remember that the Nimmo
at the book store had given me a book. I reached inside my pouch and pulled
it out. 'Family for the Soul- There's No Place Like Home.' I grinned. That was
Later Sherry and I put my plan into action. We
walked to the Adoption Center and got two new additions to our family. A red
Kacheek named Razz and a blue Pteri named Bonder.
So I guess sometimes fairy tales do come true.
This one wasn't really like Cinderella or anything, but it did end happily ever
The End