A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 142,874,434 Issue: 200 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y7
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword cebu_that_meows

Week - 200

As Pleasant as a Bubble's Pop
by cebu_that_meows
Description: She looked around the room at her friends, most of whom were bent over reading out of their books (the teacher had earlier assigned pages 1-200, to be done by the next day)...

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A Promise is a Promise: Part One
Ani was starting to get impatient. The sky blue Ruki gave a groan and slouched down even further into the bench she sat on, shifting her eyes gloomily at the sky...

by cruzerchic123


Smelly Nelly
"Bakes a cake."

by i_hate_backstabbers


Superficial: Part Two
"Bullying my sister, Uni?" asked the Gelert, her voice dripping with contempt. "Just because she's not as pretty as you, or as rich, or painted, that just means you can push her in the dirt as you want to, doesn't it?"

by shelleylow


The Pirate Letter: Part Two
I listened to the silence of my Neohome. Life has been different since Firaga left, like a piece of Mystery Island was gone...

by czenko28


Rawkin' Neopia!
No one ever said making userlookups was a walk in the park, but no one ever said it was impossible either. Just keep a few simple things in mind...

by x_nimrod

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