Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 129,296,931 Issue: 201 | 29th day of Swimming, Y7
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword patjade

Week - 187

Castle Battles
by patjade
Description: At least Skarl and Hagan got their exercise!

Art by ghostkomorichu

Week - 190

The New Neopet
by mindsend_elf
Description: And I thought Turtum Tantrums were bad...

Concept by Patjade

Week - 192

At the Neopian Hospital
by shadih_temporary
Description: It'll take more than glasses to fix that!

Also by patjade

Week - 192

Same Thing, Only Different
by huggsy_666
Description: "You know what, Franky? I'm tired of this. I am tired of always being considered 'happy'. It's not fair! Kacheeks can be more than just happy little skippers, bakers, and the like..."

Also by Patjade

Week - 194

Lost Patients
by jkalyan
Description: Live long and prosper...

Story by Patjade

Week - 194

Midnight Snack
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Why now?

Also by patjade

Week - 198

Reading at the Table
by jkalyan
Description: How rude....

Story by Patjade

Week - 201

Notions and Nonsense
by patjade
Description: I was going to give this a subtitle, but I forgot where I put it.

Art by meganium94

Week - 200

Weight Watchers
by jkalyan
Description: I want candy...

Story by patjade

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A. B.O.R.N. S.I.T.C.O.M.
Boy am I glad that war is over...

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Cotton Candy Tree (of Doom!)
Yay, another petpet rock joke! YAYY!

by lingers

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