Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 104,800,928 Issue: 204 | 18th day of Hiding, Y7
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword digital_microwave

Week - 194

Call Of The Wind
by digital_microwave
Description: The pup slowly slunk through the wet undergrowth, rain pelting his small body every so often. He whimpered, never in his life had he felt so alone, so scared. Tayoka had been so kind...

Week - 197

Tainted Wings
by digital_microwave
Description: She longed for the day when she would get dainty pink and white wings, soaring through the air, free to fly anywhere she wanted...

Week - 204

Wings of Gold
by digital_microwave
Description: She was a much respected figure in Faerieland, because she had great magic powers. But, she had been wrongly accused of stealing items from the Hidden Tower...

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"Look at this place! The Virtupets Space Station, huh...? An absolute atrocity; everywhere you look, there's some insipid 'Buy-Me' sign or a tourist trap... This place isn't my evil lair anymore-- It's a tourist attraction!"

by peachifruit


Investigation on Roo Island: Dice-A-Roo
How MANY annoying Roo minions have bounced around you, taunting you with phrases like ‘Tra la la’, ‘191273 is such a lot of Neopoints!’, and ‘I’m hungry!’ ???

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The Return of Celia Synoptics: Part Three
The lights were off, but DeSoni didn't worry. It was standard procedure to preserve the Space Station's limited energy supplies without exhausting its generators...

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Short Stuff
You must be this tall to ride.

Also drawn by sillygirl_543

by unknown_xx

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