Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword buddy33774

Week - 169

One Angry Kyrii: Part One
by buddy33774
Description: Dark circles beneath his eyes, the green Kyrii wandered out from his bedroom and into the main living room of the apartment he shared with a certain red Lenny...

Week - 170

One Angry Kyrii: Part Two
by buddy33774
Description: "Uhh, hi," Hawkins spoke into the little hole at the bottom of the window, announcing his presence. "I'm here to see Doctor Charmain."

Week - 170

A Kinda Cliched Christmas
by buddy33774
Description: "Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell hop! Jingly-jing, jing. Jingly jing! Jingle, and jungle, and hoppin' around! Now you're dancing to the jingly sound!"

Week - 181

by buddy33774
Description: "Chill out, Lu!" Rover, the red one, called down from his bunk above. "This place isn't so bad - we've got good food, warm comfy beds, and plenty of soap!"

Week - 205

The Search for Snowflake: Part One
by buddy33774
Description: By now, most people know that Hawkins, a rather average type of Kyrii painted the glorious color of green, works at the Neopian Times. What many (including poor Hawkins himself) don't know, however, is what exactly it is that Hawkins does there...

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