Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword charlotte203368

Week - 184

The Curse of Maraqua
by charlotte203368
Description: Marissa the Maraquan Acara and Theresa the Maraquan Uni were playing around in a coral reef, ducking and diving between the holes and swimming around wildly, playing as long as their hearts desired. That is, until the boats came...

Week - 190

The Curse of Maraqua: On Land - Part One
by charlotte203368
Description: Thoughts flashed around in Theresa's head. But there was one consequence to becoming a land-person. She could never come back to Maraqua again unless she was painted Maraquan.

Week - 191

The Curse of Maraqua: On Land - Part Two
by charlotte203368
Description: Sephardo's mind was racing. His clear green eyes were floating away, absorbed by a different-looking pair. He could hear his master's voice yelling in his head...

Week - 197

The Curse of Maraqua: Memories - Part One
by charlotte203368

Carefully, he picked away the ferns with his claws. A baby Eyrie, much like himself, squabbled about in it, clicking his beak furiously...

Week - 198

The Curse of Maraqua: Memories - Part Two
by charlotte203368
Description: Crawling under it, she curled up into a tight ball as the rain outside splattered down. She had to find that Eyrie. She had to...

Week - 199

The Curse of Maraqua: Memories - Part Three
by charlotte203368
Description: The Lupe wordlessly pointed to a tapestry of Darigan. Behind it Alena found a steel door...

Week - 203

The Rainbow Pearl: Part One
by charlotte203368
Description: The Tombola Man snored softly on his mat of rushes. Clutched in his hands was the only thing that was of great value to him...

Week - 204

The Rainbow Pearl: Part Two
by charlotte203368
Description: The Faerie Draikess resumed her post on the blankets as Ariadne looked back at the island. She could pick out some boats coming towards her. They were coming fast...

Week - 205

The Rainbow Pearl: Part Three
by charlotte203368
Description: Ariadne and Cela looked around at the island. It was desolate and foreboding-nothing like the island they had just been on...

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Bad Carma
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A Tomato's Secret...
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The tooth faerie would be so proud!!

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