Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 109,523,333 Issue: 207 | 9th day of Gathering, Y7
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword einstein20

Week - 196

Special Abilities
by einstein20
Description: "I want Esperanza to live unprejudiced but I don't trust that it could happen here. I wish she wasn't born with abilities. I don't want to lose her...."

Week - 200

Siyana of Talador
by einstein20
Description: I am a light faerie, a lady of Talador's High Council, or at least what is left of it after It came. My name is Siyana, and I'm the only thing my people have to count on...

Week - 204

Growing Abilities
by einstein20
Description: But now, all she wanted was to have a fitful sleep uninterrupted by the annoying dreams. They haunted her every night. They would show her birthplace but never the Kougra who lived inside of it...

Week - 205

by einstein20
Description: When Nuria was born so long ago, upon a first glance she had the normal, filmy wings of her fiery sisters but when she screwed her pale face up and began to cry (as new babies often do), her wings burst into flame...

Week - 206

The Sisters
by einstein20
Description: By dawn, Loretta and Rosetta had found a secluded spot to doze for a couple of hours while they regained their composure and figured out what the next step was...

Week - 207

Some Bad Day
by einstein20
Description: This, she had decided, was not going to be one of her good days.

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Mysterious Patchwork: Part Three
This place was so much nicer than the Adoption Agency. Even if he could only stay for a little while...

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A Promise of the Night
The Kacheek looked through the window, and for a second she thought that she had seen someone moving. Maybe it was just her imagination...

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Perspective: Part Two
"Girls, I'm going shopping for some furniture for Nick's room. While I'm gone, watch him and take all of his stuff out of his room and put it somewhere else for me to sell later. He won't wake up for at least five more hours."

by gator2468

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