How to Succeed at Gadgadsgame Without Really Trying by phanilla
While wandering around Mystery Island the other day, a few plumberries fell out
of a tree and hit me in the noggin. Rubbing my head in pain, I pushed the berries
to one side so that no one would trip over them. No sooner had I done so, when
a couple of stramberries began to fall. I eased them into another corner, and
would have been on my merry way were it not for the shadow I felt over me. Looking
up, I saw a group of blobbules heading straight for me. That’s when I realized—I
was in the middle of the Gadgadsgame field.
Looking for an easy three thousand neopoints? Of course you are. Aren’t we
all? Well, I daresay you should try your luck at Gadgadsgame. Although it is
a game with origins in Gadgadsbogen, it can be played year round. Not sure if
you have what it takes? This quick and easy guide relies on brains over speed
and knowledge over luck. If you’d rather play a game that involves speed and
luck, go play Splat-a-Sloth. I will guarantee that the average Neopian makes
more points from Gadgadsgame after reading this article than most will ever
earn on Splat-a-Sloth. Here are the basics:
The Players
Well, so far as I can tell, there are five fruits: plumberries, stramberries,
blobbules, gruish melons, and lemwarts. If there are more than those, you don’t
encounter them while aiming for one thousand neopoints. Sometimes their backgrounds
will be rotating with colour; these are the explosive fruits, but I’ll have
more on them later.
You will also randomly see potions and twirlyfruit-bombs. These are very important
to this strategy, so pay special attention to how and when to use those.
The Play
The above fruits will fall in groups of three from the top of the screen as
play progresses; hitting the spacebar will rotate the group counterclockwise
90° until it lands. If an explosive fruit lands so that it is touching other
fruits of the same colour, all of the touching fruits will light up, and then
Twirlyfruit-bombs are similar in that they make the fruits explode, but with
a little twist: they disintegrate every fruit of one colour on the board, touching
or not! Twirlyfruits are worth their weight in dubloons! (At least in this game.)
For instance, if a twirlyfruit-bomb lands on top of a stramberry, all of the
stramberries on the board will light up and explode! Easy as cherry-tastic faerie
Potions work a little differently. Whatever fruit a potion lands on, it and
all others like it on the board will change into a different fruit. Useless,
right? WRONG!!! This little potion is the basis for a quick, profitable game.
Using this potion in tandem with the twirlyfruit-bombs will make neopoints faster
than Dr. Sloth can make a mutant. Interested? Read on…
Points are earned for each exploding fruit. When fruits are grouped into squares,
they melt into one big fruit. The bigger the fruit, the more points you get
for blowing it up! Points are as follows:
A single fruit: 1 point
A two-by-two fruit: 8 points
A three-by-three fruit: 27 points
A four-by-four fruit: 64 points
A five-by-five fruit: 125 points
A six-by-six fruit: 216 points
A seven-by-seven fruit: 343 points
An eight-by-eight fruit: 512 points
A nine-by-nine fruit: 729 points
Now, that juicy looking nine-by-nine fruit might look easy and appealing, but
that’s a great example of a little thing I like to call ‘greed’. Not only is
it darned hard to achieve, but it doesn’t leave much room to work with up top.
Remember, the game board is nine fruits wide and only fourteen fruits high,
so you’ll want to leave yourself room to grow, so to speak. Points are also
awarded for potions, twirlyfruit-bombs, and explosive fruit after they disappear/explode.
At the end of the game (when you send your score), every 100 points you’ve
earned will net you 75 neopoints, so to earn 1000 neopoints for a game, you’ll
have to score at least 1334 points.
The Strategy
Well, I already gave you a huge strategy hint when I told you to use the potions
in combination with the twirlyfruit bombs, but if you’re still reading, you’re
in great shape.
At the beginning of the game there are only three fruits to worry about. I
like to take a little time to play around and try to make some bigger fruit
with them, but if you fail at that, it isn’t a big loss. Explode the fruits
as best you can and keep the centre of the game board clear of fruits so that
you have room to maneuver. When you see your first gruish melon (the purple
and orange felberry cousin), straighten up and start playing. Here’s what you
1. Start stacking all of the groups of berries along the walls and floor of
the game board. Don’t worry too much about using the explosive fruits or having
large clusters of same-fruit bunches.
2. When a potion comes along, land it on top of whichever berry is currently
the most common on the board. For instance, if there are an awful lot of plumberries
on the board, pop it on top of those. Which ever fruit they change into will
become the most popular on the board.
By doing this, you are slowly turning all of the fruits on the board into the
same fruit. This creates fantastic opportunities to have big, juicy six-by-sixers
and seven-by-seveners. Now, guess what happens when you get a twirlyfruit-bomb?
3. When a twirlyfruit-bomb happens along, drop it onto the most common fruit.
KABOOM!!! The points come rolling in. All this, with very little effort at all!
Within your first couple days of trying this strategy, you’ll likely be able
to get the avatar! Woohoo!
Dos and Don’ts
Even though I’d like to claim this strategy as foolproof, I have met some pretty
fantastic fools in my lifetime, and would like to offer some extra hints about
how to win:
DO practice a couple times with the strategy before sending it in. Remember,
you need at least 1334 points to earn 1000 neopoints.
DON’T get greedy and start throwing away perfectly good bombs to see if you
can make the pile bigger. Every so often it will ‘rain’ fruits in the game;
you have no control over where these fruits go. Assume the worst and clear the
board as often as you can.
DO pay attention to the ‘fall column’. This is located in the fourth column
from the left, and all of the fruit originate from here. Keep this way clear,
or risk losing the game.
DON’T worry if you miss the fruit you were aiming for with a potion or twirlyfruit-bomb.
You may have just created a new ‘most-common fruit’, and you should keep trying!
DO send your score three times a day. If it takes you longer to master the
game than I have predicted, have the courage and sense to send your score even
if it isn’t worth 1000 neopoints. If you get frustrated and stop playing altogether,
you’ve wasted time by not sending your previous scores.
DON’T stop trying! Each Neopian has a different skill set, and sometimes it
can take a while to succeed at a game. I’ve learned that if I really want an
avatar, or just a great high score, I have to really buckle down and practice.
Well, I hope you’ve learned a little more about the game, and that you can
put your new skills to good use. Keep an eye out for falling fruit, and for
more game guides from me!