Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 105,637,792 Issue: 210 | 30th day of Gathering, Y7
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword plushiemon

Week - 210

Parties and Clouds = O.O
by plushiemon
Description: Why you rarely see parties in Faerieland...

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A Hand to Guide You: Part One
She was busily working on the month's bills, which were in a stack several inches high sitting next to her. Not moving, I pretended not to hear her from the couch in the living room where I was sitting. This trick used to work when I was young, but she was getting fed up, I could tell...

by spunkyclaire


Who Needs a Royal Paint Brush? III: Part Three
Cuni jumped to her feet, her heart pounding so loudly she was surprised Snickers and Xrai could not hear it in the kitchen...

by 3dcourtney12044


Poor Tombola Guy!
Maybe you should let your pets buy what they want.

by linds4y


Big Brother Blues Two
It had been about two years since I had lost my younger brother, Twilight. He was a young, slightly annoying baby Gelert. I got annoyed with him, and my owner noticed, and felt the same way. But my owner got so angry with him that eventually, she left him at the pound...

by kia_shadow


Space Flight: Part One
"I have watched space ships for quite a while. My whole life, in fact. I know too well crash statistics, survival rates, things like that..." He gave a nervous chuckle, and tried to shrug it off...

by plutoplus1

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