Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 106,046,831 Issue: 211 | 7th day of Collecting, Y7
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword armadi

Week - 205

Bad Carma
by armadi
Description: Random events while battling can be a hazard...

Week - 207

Bad Carma
by armadi
Description: Why can't a Bori do this in the Tomb?

Week - 210

Bad Carma
by armadi
Description: Who likes puns?

Week - 211

Bad Carma
by armadi
Description: Some battledome challenges just shouldn't happen this way...

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Gone Fishing
All the joys of underwater fishing.

by kuro_eagle


Maximus Insanitus
Why is there water in the "desert-ed" palace?!

by hehe041578


The Lost Desert Dagger: Part One
I had lost track of the time I spent being held captive in the dungeons far beneath the sands of the Lost Desert. A month? A year? A decade? I had stopped counting in the end. It was pointless, utterly pointless...

by scarrift


Mine-Blowing Guide to Dubloon Disaster
Your aim in Dubloon Disaster is to dodge the mines that are being fired from the evil Black Pawkeet, but at the same time, you need to collect as many sparkling Dubloons as you can get your hands on.

by lcarlyle


Sound Effects
Not all weapons are recommended for everyone...

by white_draigon

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