The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 106,046,831 Issue: 211 | 7th day of Collecting, Y7
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword darkadoom

Week - 172

by darkadoom
Description: Careful where you sit...

Week - 211

Trainer's Job
by darkadoom
Description: Catch the ball!

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Gallions: Guide to the True Neopian Dragons
These fascinating little fellows live in the wilds around Neopia as well as in many Neopian homes. The truth is that Gallions are a very popular petpet nowadays, but the first time I came across one of these little creatures was unfortunately when one bit my leg...

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Scholarly Thoughts
Who knew that knowledge could be so funny!

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Sound Effects
Not all weapons are recommended for everyone...

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World Dominate: Over-Cheery - Part Six
When Victoria awoke from her trance, it was to find herself in a place she had never been before. The walls were dark, the bars that encaged her were dark, the air around her was dark. In fact, the only light that came to her was from a small torch near a tunnel...

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Midnight over Meridell: Part Three
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