Meow Circulation: 106,486,787 Issue: 212 | 14th day of Collecting, Y7
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword cloudybliss

Week - 196

In My Dreams
by cloudybliss
Description: It is not I who brings the future; the future is what it is and no one person can bring it onto the world. King Kelpbeard has as much of an influence on the future as I, perhaps even more. Yet I get blamed for trying to help.

Week - 200

by cloudybliss
Description: Survival is what we thrive on. Surely beauty, money, and longevity help ensure survival...

Week - 212

Shades of Grey: Part One
by cloudybliss
Description: Her cloak had so many holes in it that it provided only a little warmth, but Telera grasped it tightly for sentimental reasons, as it was her only remaining possession. Everything else that mattered to her had been stripped from her...

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Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part One
The normally pirate colored Lupess stretched her arms over her head to warm up stiff muscles. It's three weeks until the Day of Giving, she thought. Jeran and Khalyen have better get me something nice to make up for this...

by nimras23


Wockys Don't Wear Overalls
In which James finds it difficult to get some privacy.

by great_kougyoku


Legend Seekers: Destiny Discovered - Part One
She stretched, shook her black fur clean and hopped out of the boat lightly. She was startled as her feet touched sand, rather than the familiar carpet of her room. So, it hadn't been a dream. They must have reached land!

by yatomiyuka


The New Family Member
Ah, this is the life. Rolling around in the front yard with your Neopet, letting her fuss over you, feed you, paint you a fancy color, love you…what more could a Faerie Doglefox ask for?

by animalnutz1993


Prince Jazan's Effect on Tourism
Stop Prince Jazan now for the sake of Neopia's economy!!!

by k_aren_z

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