Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 106,486,787 Issue: 212 | 14th day of Collecting, Y7
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We found the following 17 result(s) for the keyword cpmtiger

Week - 194

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part One
by cpmtiger
Description: "There's no time to explain!" the faerie hissed, reaching into her robe pocket. Her eyes were darting all over the place, as if she expected something to attack. "I have something to give you."

Week - 195

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Two
by cpmtiger
Description: The starry Kougra slammed the pad back on the oak table. Avalon stood shaking angrily for a moment, his eyes narrow slits. After a few minutes of angry silence, Avalon's thoughts turned to what he should do....

Week - 196

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Three
by cpmtiger
Description: Even if he did get to Mystery Island, how would he find Heartfelt Cave? The book of Mystery Island maps he'd owned was now a pile of ashes...

Week - 197

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Four
by cpmtiger
Description: The starry Kougra put the heavy telescope to his right eye. Looking at the horizon, he saw a ship...

Week - 198

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Five
by cpmtiger
Description: "So Storm's interfering, eh?" he muttered. Scarback had dealt with the pirate Lupe before...

Week - 199

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Six
by cpmtiger
Description: "Close ranks, come on!" she barked, and instantly the circle closed tighter. Avalon growled back at the Gelerts, tail thrashing...

Week - 200

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Seven
by cpmtiger
Description: The tan Kougra's smile widened at the look on Avalon's and Ash's faces. He seemed slightly amused that they had just realized who he was...

Week - 201

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Eight
by cpmtiger
Description: Quaz had spent the past week showing the two different swords from all of the different cases, explaining when it was best to use them. Avalon was bored...

Week - 202

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Nine
by cpmtiger
Description: But Ash and Avalon were more concerned at what was going on outside the Cave. From the little they could gather from reports and whispered conversations...

Week - 203

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Ten
by cpmtiger
Description: Quaz growled as Avalon stopped to take a deep breath. "You may be enjoying the scenery, but it won't distract the shadow-ghosts." Avalon moved faster after that...

Week - 204

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Eleven
by cpmtiger
Description: As Quaz had suspected, there was no sign of an attack by Scarback. The bustling village seemed in perfect order, and the three entered the gates...

Week - 207

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part One
by cpmtiger
Description: Atop a grassy hill in the center of a small clearing, however, two swords clanged together, shattering the morning's quiet peace...

Week - 208

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part Two
by cpmtiger
Description: Avalon stared at Quaz, alarmed. "My apprentice? Already?"

Week - 209

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part Three
by cpmtiger
Description: Ash narrowed her eyes against the setting sun's glare. "You don't think it left without us, do you?"

Week - 210

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part Four
by cpmtiger
Description: But Avalon paid no attention to the fancy chair and super-soft bed. He was pacing the teetering ship floor, claws tapping on its surface. Ash had listened to his description of what he had seen, and now watched lazily but with mounting impatience...

Week - 211

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part Five
by cpmtiger
Description: The Desert Island arrived at the Lost Desert Docks shortly after the sun had fully risen. Caiman expertly steered the ship as Avalon and Ash took a look at the sandy world ahead. "Look at all the pyramids," Ash muttered, eyes fixed on the points jutting up from the ground...

Week - 212

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part Six
by cpmtiger
Description: Ash swung her own blade, the jagged iron sides whistling as they cut through the air. The Gelert nearest her dodged the blow as well, and Ash growled her frustration. A Gelert appeared outside the circle, walking almost daintily. Her fur, like the other Gelerts, was a rich black...

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