We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword spunkyclaire
Week - 210
A Hand to Guide You: Part One by spunkyclaire | Description: She was busily working on the month's bills,
which were in a stack several inches high sitting next to her. Not moving, I
pretended not to hear her from the couch in the living room where I was sitting.
This trick used to work when I was young, but she was getting fed up, I could
tell... |
| Week - 211
A Hand to Guide You: Part Two by spunkyclaire | Description: When I awakened, for apparently I had passed out, I was
in the hospital in Neopia Central. The familiar green gelert doctor was standing
with his back to me at the chart nearby, and Bee was looking out the window... |
| Week - 212
A Hand to Guide You: Part Three by spunkyclaire | Description: While traveling
through the purplish-blackness, I was again grabbed by the hands and whisked
away, this time through a small rip in the fabric of time. I landed with a thud
on a green, grassy hill, tumbling head over heels down the rolling slope... |
| |
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Great stories!
Getting Back to Basics I wondered how these pets survived with just enough
to eat when my pets could barely go on for a day without their Red Long Hair
Brushes. I thought it over and came to a conclusion: Why couldn’t we survive
like wild pets do? It couldn’t be that hard...
by horserider12302 |