Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 107,223,896 Issue: 214 | 28th day of Collecting, Y7
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword _kei

Week - 169

Just One Wish
by cheopspyramid
Description: "My name is Eithne. You shouldn't be so heartbroken on such a lovely day. Do you want to explain what's wrong?"

Week - 181

Battle of Imagination - Part Four
by undeadfortune
Description: No, Ms. Z, nothing like that, I just wanted to ask you if two plus two was really in fact four....

Week - 184

Escape Artists - Part Two
by moosuem
Description: Breaking out?" whispered Cassandra, shocked at Midnight's intention. "But no one's ever broken out of the Pound before!"

Week - 185

Escape Artists - Part Three
by moosuem
Description: Inside the Pound, there was chaos everywhere. Dozens of Neopets, some free for the first time in months, ran everywhere as the guards tried desperately to catch them all.

Week - 189

Stripe the Strange Skeith
by kikik312
Description: here was one problem, and that was that everyone thought Stripe was strange. Stripe didn't understand why the other Skeiths didn't like him, and why the other pets at Neoschool didn't like him either...

Week - 199

Pollution Solution
by bonsai_penguin
Description: The number of useless and unwanted items in the world has suddenly skyrocketed, and the vicious cycle of rubbish repeats itself yet again with the introduction of masses of new trash...

Week - 205

Serving the Sculptor
by twirlsncurls5
Description: To say that Marek Alabaster was a charitable Skeith would be a lie and to say he was a nice one would be almost laughable. But he was messy; his living conditions were possibly the vilest I'd ever seen...

Week - 206

The Mystery of Interest
by uggazew
Description: Ever wonder where that money-grubbing, bank-managing Skeith earns all those extra Neopoints to pay everyone daily interest?

Week - 207

Sebastian's Special Assignment
by precious_katuch14
Description: "I do hope you will like your new assignment, Sebastian," said the general...

Week - 208

Higher Score on Hungry Skeith!
by w1ng_r3ssur3ct3d
Description: If you are ready for a good challenge and extreme game play, this is the guide for you!

Week - 209

What Makes the Magic Smelly Socks Smelly?
by queenkeiko
Description: But have you ever wondered how the socks get smelly? I began research a month ago...

Week - 214

Dude where's my candy?
by _kei
Description: Uh, yeah. Watch where you trick-or-treat. ^_^

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The Curse of Talador: Part One
Talador sounds beautiful, no? I know what you are thinking. I wish I could return as well...

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Seafood Buffet
Gargarox had a gourmet restaurant?!?

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On the Line
"A funny comic about my pets and me...OUCH Farinbin! STOP THAT!"

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Treats, Not Tricks: Yay or Nay
Sorted in this super spiffy sweet “Yay or Nay” guide, you can know which candies to toss, let rot, and shove in your mouth.

by o_apollo_o

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