There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 107,223,896 Issue: 214 | 28th day of Collecting, Y7
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword armadi

Week - 205

Bad Carma
by armadi
Description: Random events while battling can be a hazard...

Week - 207

Bad Carma
by armadi
Description: Why can't a Bori do this in the Tomb?

Week - 210

Bad Carma
by armadi
Description: Who likes puns?

Week - 211

Bad Carma
by armadi
Description: Some battledome challenges just shouldn't happen this way...

Week - 213

Pterattack: Revamped
by armadi
Description: The game was revamped from the old version of Pterattack. The controls are the same from the old version, but there have been some changes, past the graphics.

Week - 214

Bad Carma
by armadi
Description: It's Halloween ... dress up time!

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Misadventure at Last!
It's so hard to find good toys these days.

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Dude where's my candy?
Uh, yeah. Watch where you trick-or-treat. ^_^

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A Spooky Halloween, Part 4
"The Name's Tombstones!"

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Never Wish to Fly: Part Six
A small, cracked, blue bowl full of some sort of unidentifiable, odd-smelling brown and green slop was shoved into her face. Yum, breakfast, thought Pangra sarcastically...

by puppy200010


Once Upon a Halloween Night
In one hand, she clutched her white cloth sack. In the other, she held the real prize, the treasure of her costume...

by really_awesome_d00d

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