White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 107,594,495 Issue: 215 | 4th day of Storing, Y7
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Randomosity's Not a Word

by branidi

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Being a Uni can really stink sometimes.

by zyanid


The Truth About Our Refillable Friends
Some of the pens want to help us and be our friend while all the others want is revenge against the pencils.

by tigerfanatic33


Escape: Part Five
Valrigard hung for dear life onto the tallest branch that would hold his weight but the werelupe gave a bloodcurdling howl...

by firedragon9078


The Great Jungle Incident
"See, there's that fallen tree with the split branches. And there's that clump of rocks that looks like a spitting JubJub. And there's... there's..." He trailed off. "There's that clearing we passed four times already."

by varadah

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