Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 155,374,082 Issue: 216 | 11th day of Storing, Y7
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword chibicelchan

Week - 208

Trapped Within a Dream: Part One
by chibicelchan
Description: A blue Shoyru spun anxiously in her own rolling chair, stopping every second or so to check and see if the Kyrii had finished reading yet...

Week - 209

Trapped Within a Dream: Part Two
by chibicelchan
Description: Straight ahead of her, she saw two desks; behind one, a bored-looking pink Uni sat in a swivel chair, and behind the other...

Week - 210

Trapped Within a Dream: Part Three
by chibicelchan
Description: I am the queen of the world, she thought with no uncertainty whatsoever. No question about it, I officially PWN. I pwn j00, and I pwn j00, and j00 and j00 and j00 as well.

Week - 211

Trapped Within a Dream: Part Four
by chibicelchan
Description: She gasped and sat bolt upright in bed, rubbing her eyes. Somehow, some way, she had managed to sleep through the night with her heart pounding the way it had been since Dr. Reynolds had given her the incredible news. "You're hired."

Week - 212

Trapped Within a Dream: Part Five
by chibicelchan
Description: So it turned out that the bright, celadon green-carpeted waiting room, Hally realized with a lump in her throat, was truly the most aesthetic part of the Pound. It didn't get any better for the eyes, or the soul...

Week - 213

Trapped Within a Dream: Part Six
by chibicelchan
Description: "Hey, guys! Um... my name is Hally Schoy, and I... uh... I work here now. I'll be taking care of your food and cleaning out your cages," she announced...

Week - 214

Trapped Within a Dream: Part Seven
by chibicelchan
Description: "Of course we've had small break-outs, minor insurrections and the like. The idea of being stuck in a cramped cage..."

Week - 215

Trapped Within a Dream: Part Eight
by chibicelchan
Description: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire," she muttered, then continued pounding on the cage door. "HELLLLOOOOOOOO!! SOMEBODY?!"

Week - 216

Trapped Within a Dream: Part Nine
by chibicelchan
Description: "Please excuse me," she said softly. "I realize that the chances are very slim that you have any information on the pet I seek..."

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