Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 109,226,905 Issue: 218 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y7
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by ghostkomorichu

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Guilds - Which One is Right for You?
This guide is meant to help newcomers and oldtimers alike in better evaluating their options and provide a somewhat deeper understanding of the more desirable features that make up a great guild.

by tyleraapje


Finding the Ultimate Treasure
Chavien froze with fear. Whatever it was, it had heard him, and his paws began to tremble involuntarily. He wanted to leave the Deserted Tomb...

by pansyparkinson14


Tick... tick... ding?

by teatreequeen


The Amber Coral Gem
Ribbon gazed at the artifact a few feet away, wondering. It was a funny looking thing, but very pretty and very shiny...

by jamice_muff_muff

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