Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 155,374,162 Issue: 219 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y7
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Week - 219

by _night_walker_
Description: But you can have my grarrl vote!

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Mootix Madness - We Have a Winner Pt. 2
Oh! Oh! There it is!

by leoness


Working for Jhudora
I am a Tyrannian Peophin who managed to successfully complete a few tasks for the dark faerie Jhudora and win her rare trust...

by xxnekoninjaxx


The Adventures of Help!
I always thought Sloth looked rather Lupe-ish!

by raptor291


Undercover Stories: Is Sloth the Happiness Faerie?
These are the recordings of a brave soul who went to discover the truth and never returned. May her thoughts always rest in peace, for her mission was never complete.

by accidence


Neopia Magnified
Run, Pant Devil! RUN!!!

by coco_dog_92

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