Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 155,374,162 Issue: 219 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y7
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Week - 219

by spookyfloof
Description: Ghosts don't eat.

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Why Do We Kiss Mortogs?
I wonder why people love to do it so much. I mean, if you kiss the wrong Mortog, the Mortog explodes, and your face is full of muck.

by korbatcutie14


The Happiest Quiggle
Me, disappointed?

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Inexorable: Part Two
Concentrating his anger and frustration into a textbook launch, Ryddle pushed off, away from the house, away from Sylver, away from everything...

by haannsolo


When the Weather is Grey: Part Three
Rain beat against the roof, a sound that was starting to drive Nili quite insane. The fire, she noticed reluctantly, had gone out overnight...

by puppy200010


Stuck in the Lost Desert
Don't worry ya'self 'bout it, lassie.

by spotthechelsey

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