Faerie Fanatics: Part Two by matjake44_3
For some reason, it took me weeks to get a vacant ferry
to Mystery Island. It must be remarkably popular right now. I wonder why.
Anyway, it was three weeks since I had talked
to the Parlour Usul. I also realized how much I missed Shara since she stormed
out of the shop. I thought I considered her an annoying pest, but helping me
anyway, but now that she was gone I realized how much of a dear friend she was
to me.
So meanwhile, I was enveloped in these thoughts
when the ferry thudded clumsily into the dock of Mystery Island.
A muffled voice came from below, the driver I
presumed. "Oops," he said. "Sorry! I'm quite tired today!"
I rolled my eyes in a perturbed fashion. I jumped
down onto the glistening yellow of Mystery Island's beach. It felt more like
a holiday than an investigation to find the Rainbow Faerie.
I made my way to the top left corner of the Island,
to the Island Mystic. It was hard to imagine that he was the most likely to
be the kidnapper. He was always so kind when I visited him.
And, believe or not, most of his predictions
come true. Well, for me anyway. But I think listening to him was half the fun
I had to take a rowing boat to get through the
waterway to the Mystic's hut. However, there weren't many rowing boats for hire
and, since Mystery Island was getting more popular by the secondfor some
reason or anotherthe boats were continuously being rowed back and forth.
It was extremely difficult to find a free vessel. Just like the ferry.
Then I noticed something else strange. The boats
were going out of control! When they reached the Isle of the Mystic (as I like
to call it) the boat thudded sharply against a rock sending the unfortunate
passenger into the water. I remembered the clumsiness of the ferry. I wondered
if this was connected.
I also wondered how I would get over there to
speak the Mystic. I couldn't get into a boat, and even if I did I wouldn't have
a chance to get into the hut because I'd get flung into the depths of the waterway.
And, if you're wondering, I can't fly very well. Wings too small, stomach too
round, you get the picture.
I heard a girly chuckling nearby. It sounded
oddly familiar…
"They should have been painted Faerie!" cackled
Shara, shooting up into the air with brilliant expertise. How did she learn
how to fly like that so quickly?
Before I could call out to her, she had stomped
into the Mystic's hut, laughing.
Bewildered Neopets were now swimming back to
the surface, after being dunked into the waterway, but still others didn't seem
to notice them and still paddled in their little rowboats and slammed into a
rock jutting out of the water.
This had certainly been a strange day, and I
knew that the Rainbow Faerie's disappearance was the cause.
The next sound I heard, I will never forget.
The most ear-piercing scream emitting from the Mystic's Hut. It was so loud,
all the rowers stopped either starting or in the middle of the waterway. I seized
my chance. I grabbed a vacant boat and rowed swiftly to the Isle.
What I found inside, was both startling and perplexing
The hut was empty. By empty, I mean no-one was
in there. The Mystic's crystal ball was there, a peculiar table with massive
rings on itjust like in the pictureand two seats. There were the
usual voodoo figurines and psychic mumbo-jumbo all over the walls and on shelves.
I hate to say it, but the culprit was the Island
But first I had to find him. Where was he? There
was no backdoor to the hut, and not any secret panel that I'd heard of. Well,
of course I wouldn't have heard of a secret panel, as it would've been secret…
I shook these thoughts out my mind. They were
distracting me. I eyed the crystal ball for a second. I wonder…
I sat down in the Mystic's chair and peered into
the crystal ball. It was the biggest hunk of glass that I ever saw. It was about
as big as a baby Kiko's eyes… "Goo goo bah!!!" babbled an immature voice from
outside. I glanced out of the door and on the other side of the waterway was
a baby Kiko.
Strange, I was thinking about baby Kikos, and
there was a baby Kiko.
With these thoughts fresh in my mind, I looked
back into the crystal ball. To my astonishment, a picture gradually shaped itself
in it. When it came into focus, I saw that it was Jhuidah, the island faerie.
Then below, there was elegant text that said, 'The Island Faerie will have the
Like an electric Kougra, I sped out of the hut.
Forgot I was on an isle, got a bit wet. I eventually swam to the other side
and ran to the Cooking Pot.
To my surprise (you'd think I would've been used
to all these surprises by now), the Cooking Pot was crowded, just like the Rainbow
I asked a nearby electric Kougra what was going
on. He simply replied, "Doesn't anyone read the Neopian Times?" He pushed the
latest issue into my arms and sighed. I couldn't believe I had been so sidetracked
that I forgot about the Neopian Times!
I unfolded the newspaper and gasped as I read
the headline.
After the mysterious vanishing of the Faeries,
Jhuidah is the third to go. After the Water Faerie from the Healing Springs
went without a trace, the rate of injured and sick pets has increased immensely.
Jhuidah also had control over the resources in Mystery Island, so the Neopian
Times crew recommends caution when traveling on ferries to the Island. Story
continued on page 6…
I remembered the message in the crystal ball.
"The Island Faerie will have all the answers." Correct, as usual. Jhuidah's
kidnapping had resulted in the boats and ferries going out of control. But that
still didn't explain why the Island was so much more popular all of a sudden.
But that was answered that second. I noticed
other pets running past me, holding extremely rare Battledome weapons in their
arms. Not again…
I lunged at a passing Acara embracing a Battle
Faerie Amulet and yelled my dishonesty and heartless speech.
"Enemy?!" Shara screeched. She squirmed out my
hands. "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here…"
I stood back, my mouth gaping. How did she just
keep popping out of nowhere? Didn't the Island Mystic kidnap her?
"I have to go. Bye, Enemy," Shara mumbled angrily
and stomped away toward the Island Mystic's hut.
As she walked off into the distance, I got over
my shock and remembered why I was here. THIS was why Mystery Island attracted
more tourists now. The Cooking Pot was free.
I decided to visit the hut again. It took a while,
but I eventually got another boat and found my way over to the isle. The hut
was in a bad state. I looked like it had been in a war; the walls were singed
with continuous drips of water, holes in the earth and a dark cloud looming
Despite the wreckage and definite struggle, I
entered. The inside was no different to the outside, but it still wasn't much
What was going on? I had to work it out, for
the good of Faerie-kind. I don't know how I knew, but more Faeries had been
kidnapped. Maybe a Dark, Earth, Fire and another Water Faerie.
The hut was empty, again. The kidnapped Faeries
were in here, but where?
Then, suddenly, one of the voodoo figurines tilted
slightly, and a secret panel in the wall opened slowly to reveal… I couldn't
believe it.
"You?!" Shara screamed. "Why are you stalking
me?" I just stood there, gaping and opening and closing my mouth like a Koi
out of water.
Instead of talking, I stared behind Shara through
the secret panel. Sure enough, there were seven Faeries gagged and struggling
on the floor. Even the Island Mystic was there in the same position.
"Shara, I think you need some explaining to do,"
I said simply. I was still gob-smacked; she seemed like such a nice person when
we first met. Well, after that incident was over anyway.
"OK, you caught me. I am the kidnapper," she
cried. Shara looked close to tears.
"But why? What is the point of it all?"
"I desperately wanted to become Faerie, so I
kidnapped the Rainbow Faerie so that I didn't have to wait for her quest. But
my Faerie obsession got carried away, so I kidnapped more…" she seemed to struggle
a bit. I knew this wasn't the reason, and I was going to squeeze the truth out
of her.
"Don't lie…" Now I was struggling. There was
the red hot anger building up inside of me… I couldn't help it… I lunged at
Shara. We flew over the tied up Faeries and through the surprisingly weak wall
of the hut. We splashed into the ocean water.
I was about to unleash a huge scratch- most likely
resulting in a scar- when all of a sudden I got an electric shock. I wrenched
my paw away from Shara and clutched it. It was a huge electric shock, it was
throbbing in pain.
But that was a small shock for what was about
to come in about 10 seconds.
Meanwhile, thousands of miles in space, a dark
menace slammed his fist on his chair in anger as a Grundo informed him of what
had just happened to Enemy and Shara.
"Curses!" Dr. Frank Sloth exclaimed. "Our cover
is blown! We need to get down there post haste. Galvanise!" he called to the
Grundo. "Get me your fastest ship; we are going to pay that pesky Skeith a visit…"
Shara was a robot. I couldn't believe it, all
this time… What in the name of Fyora was going on?!
Shara's fake fur was falling away from the metallic
body and there lay a mangled robot, slowly sinking into the ocean, emitting
electric shocks and loud zapping noises. In fact, the zapping was so loud that
I hardly heard the futuristic hovering noise from above.
"Well, well, well, Enemy!" said a rasping voice
above me over the zaps and hovering sounds. "It seems you have fallen for my
trap. Get in the craft."
I looked up. It was hard enough to get over the
all the shocksincluding the electric onewithout another. Dr. Sloth,
evil mastermind, leaned out of the door of an impressive-looking spaceship with
CX-4800 SS labeled on the side. A tiny green Grundo lingered behind him.
"No way!" I cried. There was nothing he could
do to make me get into his ship.
Dr. Sloth just laughed, and said, "You're so
far out to sea, it doesn't seem like you have much choice." He was right. I
was bobbing in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't see Mystery Island, or ANY
island for that matter.
It was then that the confusion set in. So many
questions were zooming through my mind. Before I could say anything, I felt
myself being lifted out of the water by delicate, comforting hands. The Space
Faerie was traveling at top speed away from Dr. Sloth's spaceship, with me in
her arms.
I've read stories about the Space Faerie in the
Times and several Neopedias, and there were diagrams of her there, but she was
even more radiant in real life. Plus, she had defeated Dr. Sloth before, so
I felt safer than I ever had in the past few days. But Dr. Sloth's ship was
catching up fast. I looked up at the beautiful Space Faerie, and she smiled,
hardly noticing Sloth's ship literally meters behind her. She seemed to know
exactly what was going on. So I asked her croakily.
"Yes, I know you must be confused," she said
with a wavy, fragrant voice. "I'll try to explain as bes-" She stopped short,
her grip loosened suddenly and I dropped back into the ocean and sunk for a
while before breaking back through the surface and gasped for air. I realized
the Sloth had shot the Space Faerie with a ray gun, and she was floating silently
and barely conscious not far from me. Before I could swim to her, a tangled
net fell over me, and I was being pulled into Dr. Sloth's ship.
The Grundo was struggling to pull me up. Dr.
Sloth was probably sitting somewhere in the cockpit, the lazy chicken-head!
I eventually got yanked into the entrance and the sliding door closed by itself
and now all was mostly silent. I busted with anger.
WITH THE FAERIES?! ANSWER ME NOW YOU-" Before I could think of an insult, Dr.
Sloth chuckled.
"Haven't you realized yet, that it's not the
Faeries, or you that I am after?"
"Obviously not!" I screamed. I was so furious;
I felt like I could just rip open this net and do the same to Sloth. But not
to the poor Grundo assistant, he needed freedom.
Dr. Sloth was practically breathless with laughter
now. Then he managed to get the words out.
"It's your necklace that I'm after."
To be continued...