Top Ten Ways to Avoid Taking Out the Trash by animalnutz1993
Author's Note: This is the work of my Wocky, Double A. So I hope you enjoy
the work of a purebred Neopian! ^_^
You lean against the wall outside the doorway to the kitchen. You steal a peek
around the doorway. Good; your owner has his/her back turned doing the dishes.
You S-L-O-W-L-Y creep past. If you can just make it to the other side, your
troubles are over. But then your owner calls over his/her shoulder those six
little words that no Neopet can stand:
"Did you take the garbage out?"
Nobody likes garbage duty. It's an annoying, bothersome, smelly job. So I have
carefully devised some plans for you, dear reader, so that you won't have to
take the garbage out. None of the plans are smart or correct, but it sure is
better than taking out the trash!
Plan #1: Pretend You're Sick
Slump to the side and moan and say you don't feel well. Say that you must have
Garbage Pox. Say that it's a newly discovered disease from taking out the trash.
This is risky business because your owner might call the doctor or warn his/her
Neofriends of this "disease". But then of course, the Neofriends could warn
their Neofriends until it spreads and no owner will ever let their Neopet take
out the trash! You'll be a hero to Neopets and doctors alike for different reasons!
Plan #2: School Project
Tell your owner that your class is doing an experiment that involves not taking
out the trash. If your owner asks more about the project, say that it depends
on what the student wants to do and you haven't decided yet. If he/she says
he/she would like a slip or something stating it's true, say "Okay", smile nicely
and walk off. The next day when he/she is about to ask you for it, take the
one thing that they absolutely love and compliment it. They'll forget all about
it droning on and on and saying that it's about time you started liking the
object, too.
Plan #3: Siblings
Younger siblings can be a pain, but if you use them right, they can be a blessing.
For example, you can blackmail them into taking out the trash for you! Isn't
that nice? Or if your little sibling is immune to blackmail, pay them*.
*Who ever said to pay them with REAL Neopoints? Give them some of the chocolate
ones wrapped in gold foil and watch the fun as they smell it and don't know
where it's coming from!
** I, of course, am never a pain, but I have younger cousins that certainly
are, so I know how it's like.
Plan #4: Inspiration
This isn't an actual plan; it's just something that'll help to inspire you
to go to outer limits to get rid of that yuck! So here we go:
Naomi the Fire Zafara took the Neopoints the Blue Grundo offered her. She
handed him the large, black plastic bag and said, "Pleasure doing business with
you!" That night, as Dr. Sloth sat down to his battle plans, he accidentally
triggered a rope with his foot and garbage came tumbling out from above him,
splattering him! The corners of his assistant Blue Grundo's mouth twitched while
the other Grundos snickered. "Bad luck, then, eh, sir? You know those Random
Plan #5: The Rubbish Heap
Sell your garbage to that Blue Kacheek that apparently has nothing better to
do with his life (you're not going to tell him I said that, right? Heh, heh…).
He gets bored when he runs out of garbage to give people, so he wants to keep
his so-called "hobby" up. Just make sure that when he comes over to pick up
the trash, wear a clothespin on your nose. The scent of garbage tends to carry
(don't tell him I said that either!).YOU name the price. Delivery not
included, because then you'd have to take out the trash anyway.
Plan #6: The Snowager
First make sure you're positive that the Snowager is asleep from his sleeping
patterns. Then dash in holding the bag of trash. Leave your trash there and
the Snowager will call it treasure (you devil, you!) and you'll never have to
see it again. You can do this as often or as little as you want, but considering
that this is garbage at stake, I think you'll settle for the first option.
Plan #7: Just Take the Garbage Out
Hey! Who wrote that??? Mo-om!!!
The REAL Plan #7: Tyrannian Food
Okay, this may sound gross, but Tyrannians have a brain about the same size
as my brother Harvey's (REALLY don't tell HIM I said that!) so they'll eat about
anything. Send it in a Neomail to the Chia that runs the Food Shop there. He'll
know what to do with it.
Plan #8: Battledome Items
Invite someone you know over that you know has a Million Degree Sword. When
they get there, ask them if you can borrow it. With that sword, you can blast
that garbage to Kreludor! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! *coughs, looks embarrassed*
Plan #9: Tombola
This works best if you get younger siblings (or cousins) to help you. Have
your sibling (or cousin) distract the Tombola Tiki Tack by doing what she/he
does best-pestering and annoying. While he/she has him covered, dump your garbage
into the Booby Prize box. Practice this at home first to make sure you've got
Last But Not Least, Plan #10: Older Siblings
Your elder siblings (especially males) can sometimes be on the slow side; at
least that's how it is with Harvey. But if you have a brother/sister like Harvey,
who inhales his food and never tastes it unless he licks it off of his chin
later, just slip it on his/her dinner plate when he/she's not looking. Tested
and true!
Well, that's about it, dear readers. Now if you'll excuse me, Harvey's on my
tail and if I wanna live, I'd better run faster. See ya!