A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 111,625,219 Issue: 222 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword lolazgirl

Week - 220

To Be a Pirate: Part One
by lolazgirl
Description: The Blue Kougra got daintily to her feet. "I don't get you, Usukishi," she said, using the Usul's full name. "Why on earth do you want to pretend we're scruffy, dirty pirates instead of Usuki princesses?"

Week - 221

To Be a Pirate: Part Two
by lolazgirl
Description: Usi gasped. Did he mean… the Revenge? The dark ship that the evil Scarblade controlled?

Week - 222

To Be a Pirate: Part Three
by lolazgirl
Description: "Pretty close. We should be there soon…" Garin scanned the water. His sharp eyes caught sight of an island, not too far off...

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