Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 111,981,549 Issue: 223 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword eliza_clare

Week - 208

by eliza_clare
Description: Ah... the sweet smell of dung in the morning.

Art by jjjellybean121

Week - 221

The Plight of the Snowager
by eliza_clare
Description: Everyone has an off day...

Art by jjjellybean121

Week - 223

The Last Laugh
by eliza_clare
Description: Be careful who you laugh at...

Art by jjjellybean121

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Great stories!


A Hero's Journey: Part Two
For one, Reuben grew out of being a page and entered squire-hood; on the other hand, his younger brother Rohane was now being introduced to the basics of knighthood and the page's code...

by precious_katuch14


Man, I love the winter!

by chokatocherry


Neopian Malls: Do They Really Have Good Deals?
The inside scoop on those big, fantastic, catchy malls.

by sillywilly12893


Solo Time
La la la la la!!!

Also by kuruu_6

by hello5346


The Power of Water
"Come on, you guys!" she cried, swiveling back towards the open door of the Neohome. "It's a perfect day for a swim at the beach!"

by candykitty

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