Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 112,982,760 Issue: 225 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword ginnyw143

Week - 169

Neopia's National Vegetable?
by ginnyw143
Description: Have you ever gone to a page on Neopets and asked yourself, “What’s with all the asparagus?”? Well, it has happened to all of us.

Week - 222

Magax: What I've Learned From the Destroyer
by ginnyw143
Description: At the beginning of each level, try leaving the green energy orbs until you get closer to the end. Each one recovers damage equal to one hit from the enemy ghosts as well as adding five points to your score.

Week - 225

Lupin's Ironies Concerning the Fountain Faerie
by ginnyw143
Description: I got a fountain faerie's quest?!?

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Pixilated Puns!
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It's a Slorg's Life
In Bugga's Slorgs, there were many people and their neopets looking at them and all of Bugga's Slorg items. Someone, take me home, he thought...

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