Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 112,982,760 Issue: 225 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y8
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword ratling_guardian

Week - 202

Eralta and Opessenc's Big Ixi Day
by ratling_guardian
Description: I groaned and turned over, facing the back of the couch, until something stirred in the back of my head - it was Ixi Day...

Week - 209

Midnight over Meridell: Part One
by ratling_guardian
Description: "Every morning," I said, "every single morning. Can't you leave them alone?"

Week - 210

Midnight over Meridell: Part Two
by ratling_guardian
Description: "Do you guys have everything?" I barked after five tedious minutes of exaggerated packing...

Week - 211

Midnight over Meridell: Part Three
by ratling_guardian
Description: We crept along the roof of the castle, looking fervently for any way of getting in. Unfortunately, the only way we could think of was the drawbridge, but as it was still midnight, it was not going to be lowered...

Week - 212

Midnight over Meridell: Part Four
by ratling_guardian
Description: It was midnight, the next day. At least, it was midnight - I had lost track of time due to the constant night...

Week - 213

Midnight over Meridell: Part Five
by ratling_guardian
Description: "Illusen!" I gasped. She stood there, hands on hips, and looking very odd, as in one hand she had a spatula...

Week - 223

Midnight over Meridell - Chapter II: Part One
by ratling_guardian
Description: "It's him, Snickedy," the Shoyru replied. "He's getting slightly out of control, I mean, it seemed all right when I agreed..."

Week - 224

Midnight over Meridell - Chapter II: Part Two
by ratling_guardian
Description: "You know, you don't have to actually come with us," I told them. "This is technically our fight, not yours, and we'll probably be able to manage."

Week - 225

Midnight over Meridell - Chapter II: Part Three
by ratling_guardian
Description: "Guys, didn't I tell you not to be seen?" Ingibong said...

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