For an easier life Circulation: 113,211,275 Issue: 226 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword jacob133

Week - 224

The Five Kaus: Part One
by jacob133
Description: "But I've heard rumors that his lab ray can change me into a different Neopet!" Metonot complained. "I don't WANT to change into another Neopet!"

Week - 225

The Five Kaus: Part Two
by jacob133
Description: "You can't expect your pet to gain a large dose of strength without there being a huge release of energy in the process. Your pet is fine. Now let the smoke clear so that we can see the results."

Week - 226

The Five Kaus: Part Three
by jacob133
Description: Whooper was still quickly looking back and forth to each Metonot before him, still trying to decide which one was its true master...

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