The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 113,211,275 Issue: 226 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword spoonguardonline

Week - 184

A Novice's Guide to the Ice Cream Machine
by spoonguardonline
Description: I don’t know what it is about it, maybe they use the flying ice cream to hypnotise people, maybe it’s the obsession of seeing a Chia in woollen gloves, but whatever it is, many people are playing as hard as they can at it, and getting nowhere.

Week - 199

A Novice's Guide to Beating the Swarm
by spoonguardonline
Description: There are walls, which you can hide behind, and these protect you from shots. However, hit them nine times, and they’re gone...

Week - 226

The Neopian Investigators: Case of the Missing Neopoint
by spoonguardonline
Description: As he was halfway down the alley, a figure leapt out behind him, and began to follow...

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I hopped out of bed and walked straight to my vanity desk (just like always) and stared in horror...

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I think we'll both be happier when I leave. Lately he's been really strict and on my case. He's not happy with my schoolwork; I think it embarrasses him...

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Veggies, Anyone?

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Petpet Mischief
So I was in the Battledome yesterday...

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Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Ten
"The power of the Sunblade is what Nox fears more than anything else," Gilly reminded him...

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