Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 113,598,787 Issue: 227 | 10th day of Awakening, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword mistoffelees_cat

Week - 200

Werelupes - Neopia's Fear and Awe
by mistoffelees_cat
Description: This wonderful, yet horrifying creature, the werelupe, is perhaps one of the most mysterious, feared, and awed creature in all Neopia.

Week - 215

A Hint of Malevolence
by mistoffelees_cat
Description: In short, Cosmo was a rambunctious Grundo in need of a good reprimanding (which of course, he had never heard the likes of)...

Week - 227

Chapter Four - Slime Recipes
by mistoffelees_cat
Description: "Chapter Four," she muttered to herself, "Slime Recipes…" She grinned as she opened to the chapter, reading thoroughly five recipes which would fill her slime craving…

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The One that Got Away
As Dr. Yelp led her down the sterile halls, Xweetiepea noticed that there weren’t very many patients; most of the rooms were empty...

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Riiight o.0;;;
Are you okay?

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