Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 114,248,913 Issue: 228 | 17th day of Awakening, Y8
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword ampolin1

Week - 167

Neopia: A Material World
by ampolin1
Description: I ask you, when did Neopets become about hours and hours of training for your tired pet to become ruler of the Battledome? When did it become more important to buy paintbrushes than good food and toys?

Week - 228

A Smart Career Choice: Petpet Cannonball
by ampolin1
Description: Now, an excellent way to bring home the bacon is to get a job. And an even better way to make some extra neopoints is to make that petpet of yours get a job.

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Cloning for Dummes 101
Even Sloth has to find new ways to make clones these days.

by 0riginal_sin


Always Complaining

by sabertigerblade


Chocolate a la Chia
I should have known...

Also by fillin

by richnangela005


All in a Neopian Day
Great cookies!

Also by confuzerated

by sunset_rose285


Second Chance for Star
As Nala padded down the stairs she thought for the millionth time that this place would make the perfect Petpet farm...

by firecomet14

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