The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 114,248,913 Issue: 228 | 17th day of Awakening, Y8
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword haannsolo

Week - 218

Inexorable: Part One
by haannsolo
Description: And although he knew there was small chance of it, Ryddle was driven by a desire to impress Phantom on the rare occasions that he was home. Stupid really...

Week - 219

Inexorable: Part Two
by haannsolo
Description: Concentrating his anger and frustration into a textbook launch, Ryddle pushed off, away from the house, away from Sylver, away from everything...

Week - 220

Inexorable: Part Three
by haannsolo
Description: Ryddle rushed up to the ghost Lupe, leaving the rather confused Tyger on the front steps. "Phantom! You didn't tell us you'd be coming!"

Week - 221

Inexorable: Part Four
by haannsolo
Description: He wasn't used to sleeping on the ground, even a relatively cushioned forest floor. "Whatever," he grumbled. "Lead the way."

Week - 222

Inexorable: Part Five
by haannsolo
Description: Ryddle shrugged. "It's just a little hard adjusting to this life." He was eager to change the subject. "Flytta looks happy, though."

Week - 223

Inexorable: Part Six
by haannsolo
Description: Night was falling, and Ryddle was finally beginning to realize that he was going to have to admit failure. There was no chance at all that the diminutive Blumaroo would have come this far...

Week - 224

Inexorable: Part Seven
by haannsolo
Description: It came to him while he was lying under a willow tree, listening to the birds, the stream, and the gentle breeze rustling across the meadow flowers. Suddenly he sat up with a jolt...

Week - 228

PPL Problems
by haannsolo
Description: Of course, the infernal PPL has to put their foot in it. For whatever reason (plot? Must check that out), they refuse to allow you to sell labbed petpets. Oh, and they claim to be worried about the poor little critters. The liars.

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