Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 114,248,913 Issue: 228 | 17th day of Awakening, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword lady_oracle27

Week - 228

Misunderstood Monster: an Interview with Spectre
by lady_oracle27
Description: We’ve all heard of Spectre, curse of Cheat and terror of the games room. I’m sure he’s even been featured in many a cautionary tale told to young Neopets about the dangers of greed...

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Head in the Clouds
Ohhh, so THAT'S why...

by candykitty


Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Twelve
Kass saw that his attackers were familiar; everyone had known of them during the first war, and he had last seen them on the Citadel. Come to think of it, they'd jumped on him then too...

Also by schefflera

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Fear My Randomosity~
...Is that really fair?

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A New Home
Jess cringed back, looking nervously at the dark blue waves, continually lapping the ocean shore. "But... um... I can't swim..."

by starfairy123234


How to Prepare For, Survive, and Cope with a Meepit
My second tip is keep lots of cheese; it discourages Meepits, for it is their enemy.

by rosadaflame

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