Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 114,248,913 Issue: 228 | 17th day of Awakening, Y8
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword ruff_zette

Week - 220

by ruff_zette
Description: I remember the day perfectly. So perfectly, because it was the least perfect day of my life...

Week - 222

Sleeping Beauty: Part One
by ruff_zette
Description: I squinted at the mirror. Yes, I was still the ugly, purple Uni I had been when I'd gone to bed. I had those orange splodges on my cheeks...

Week - 223

Sleeping Beauty: Part Two
by ruff_zette
Description: I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Oh, Honey. Why can't I be beautiful?"

Week - 224

Sleeping Beauty: Part Three
by ruff_zette
Description: Where were we going? Suddenly I was wide awake. We were going to Neopia Central! I practically sprinted across the corridor...

Week - 225

Sleeping Beauty: Part Four
by ruff_zette
Description: Neoschool. I couldn't go. I just couldn't. I had to think of a way to get out of it - and fast. "I can't," I moaned. "I'm sick."

Week - 226

Sleeping Beauty: Part Five
by ruff_zette
Description: I hopped out of bed and walked straight to my vanity desk (just like always) and stared in horror...

Week - 227

Sleeping Beauty: Part Six
by ruff_zette
Description: I grunted and looked bleary-eyed at the note. There was a part that I must have skipped over the day before...

Week - 228

Sleeping Beauty: Part Seven
by ruff_zette
Description: "Leave me alone, Sparkle," I mumbled to the Royal Gelert standing in the doorway. "Why are you waking me up on a Saturday, anyway?"

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