Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 114,248,913 Issue: 228 | 17th day of Awakening, Y8
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Days of our Neolives

by rumplesocks

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The Super Ultra Strength Serum
Peace reigned in the land of potato farmers and gruel, but few had truly forgotten the terror that had befallen their kingdom. However, none ever imagined that they would have to face a similar horror once more...

by kushbi


The Search for the Tooth Faerie: Part Three
"I thought we were going to look for the Tooth Faerie, not bet on the Poogles," I said as I finally caught up...

by silentbutterfly


Werelupes: What's Really Going On
I've read a lot about werelupes, too many articles, stories, and propaganda shooting them down...

by garousadako


Splodge - Snow Snake
If only it were that easy....

by scribble

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