Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 114,369,520 Issue: 229 | 23rd day of Awakening, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword azureel

Week - 229

Where Has Sloth Gone?
by azureel
Description: Sloth himself has not shown his slimy face in Neopia for over 5 YEARS! Which makes me wonder, “What is he doing?”

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Random Storys - Mootix Madness
Remember: NEVER carry a Mootix longer than one year...

by karatehuendchen


A Meepit Lovers Life
Shhh, we're concentrating...

by angy33


The Beauty Within: Part Two
He had barely gotten any rest that night, for he was still haunted by nightmares of that horrible place known as the Darigan Citadel. The monsters he had seen there...

by queen_aingeal


Which Came First: the Pteri or the Egg?
Ah, the universal question that all Neopians in their lives must at one time ask themselves; the question that has never been answered ever since the creation of Neopets: Which came first?

by o0minimushroom0o


Finding the Way
Cat peeked out from under her headdress, where she had taken refuge. "Did she actually stop talking?" she asked, amazed. "My ears are still ringing, I can't tell."

by jade_steel

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