Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 114,369,520 Issue: 229 | 23rd day of Awakening, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword karatehuendchen

Week - 223

Random Stories - Disadvantages of a Pink Lenny
by karatehuendchen
Description: Maybe you should think again about painting your Lenny pink...

Week - 227

Random Stories - What should you do if...
by karatehuendchen
Description: Here's the true version of the popular joke for King Skarl.

Week - 229

Random Storys - Mootix Madness
by karatehuendchen
Description: Remember: NEVER carry a Mootix longer than one year...

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The Kreludan Conspiracy: Part Two
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Adventure in Korbat Cave
"Welcome to Korbat Cave!" The glowing Korbat tour guide gestured dramatically towards the entrance to the cave...

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Melody's Song
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Which Came First: the Pteri or the Egg?
Ah, the universal question that all Neopians in their lives must at one time ask themselves; the question that has never been answered ever since the creation of Neopets: Which came first?

by o0minimushroom0o

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