A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 115,191,906 Issue: 230 | 9th day of Running, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword the_lugonzbi_stone

Week - 230

The Shadow Lupe
by the_lugonzbi_stone
Description: He was a lone Lupe; quite tall, but thin, as if he had not been fed in many days, and with fur that seemed to be made of the shadows themselves...

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Fake Faerie
A good tip to anyone who can't afford a faerie paintbrush. But we can't guarantee it will work...

by littlemisskirby


The Maraquan Marshals in: Disappearances
Mari, the Island Xweetok, had already planned her day out. She had loved fishing even as a baby and today was going to be devoted to it...

by ginger23456


Making Your Account Stand Out
Many people wonder what makes a person's account stand out. Is it the painted pets or the account age? Is it the trophies or the participation in the plots? Is it their neohome or user lookup?

by cutelittlechinchilla


The Wonderfully Helpful Guide to Whack-A-Kass!!
So... the point of this game is to whack the poor helpless puppet Kass as far as you can using a bread stick thing, paddle thing, and a spiky bat thing.

by ultraviolet_girls


The bad part about using a snot umbrella, besides the fact that it's made of snot.

by orca1026

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