Meow Circulation: 150,952,996 Issue: 232 | 24th day of Running, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword desibick

Week - 230

The Rise of the Space Faerie: Discovery - Part One
by desibick
Description: Laimane was eager to get home for reasons besides the rain. Rain was rare in Faerieland and was often considered an ill omen, and she didn't need the rain to remind her...

Week - 231

The Rise of the Space Faerie: Discovery - Part Two
by desibick
Description: She wasn't going to play this game any longer. Her strides long and purposeful and her leather sandals smacking against the stone ground beneath her, Laimane confidently approached the cradle...

Week - 232

The Rise of the Space Faerie: Discovery - Part Three
by desibick
Description: There was only one conclusion to make. Someone had entered the house, and was possibly still there...

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Great stories!


Theoretical Lily: the Soup Faerie's Ingredients
From the way she dresses, one would automatically think that she is a poor and simple faerie who goes out of her way to help those poor Neopians (and Neopets) to survive. But didn’t it ever cross your mind that she needs ingredients to make her soup?

by foxgloves108


That makes sense... I guess...

by celestialearthenmage


Dark Quest
Jenna looked longingly after a Faerie Acara as it went gliding by. Her own lush blue fur, which she brushed carefully every morning, looked rather dull...

by rainbow_lover852


Adventure to Altador
We decided it'd been forever since we visited the Faerie City. I mentioned to Kyle (my Kougra) that it would be a fun trip to take and do a little shopping...

by shadow11320


No News is Bad News
"Well, that's not the point. I can't believe that they'd cancel my birthday! Lack of interest-huh! I'm plenty interested!"

by shadow_zapdos

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