For an easier life Circulation: 150,952,996 Issue: 232 | 24th day of Running, Y8
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword senya

Week - 223

Taking the Long Way: Part One
by senya
Description: "Right now you could be wallowing in some mucky pond, but you chose to nose your way into my business...."

Week - 224

Taking the Long Way: Part Two
by senya
Description: "Ill-mannered brat. You're the one that came to me," the Brain Tree reminded him with offended dignity, drawing his age-scarred branches up in a manner that suggested he was pulling in the welcome mat...

Week - 225

Taking the Long Way: Part Three
by senya
Description: "So then are you going to tell me why you followed me to Sakhmet? And why you were skulking behind me the entire way back?"

Week - 226

Taking the Long Way: Part Four
by senya
Description: "Will you go straight to the king?" Celleny asked, turning to face Alexien, chocolate-colored fur wet and matted down...

Week - 227

Taking the Long Way: Part Five
by senya
Description: He looked up at the sound of a voice just outside his cell door and saw a pair of green eyes staring back at him through the bars...

Week - 230

The Replacement Courtier: Part One
by senya
Description: Alexien was certain that each and every one of them was trying to look attentive, all while mentally rehearsing their own next line. The council excelled at that sort of thing; not listening, exactly, just waiting with feigned patience for their own turn to speak...

Week - 231

The Replacement Courtier: Part Two
by senya
Description: She gave a noncommittal smile at that, but tossed him the shirt. "So snippy, Alexien," she sighed dramatically. "You should go take a nap or something. When did you get back?"

Week - 232

The Replacement Courtier: Part Three
by senya
Description: "No," Alexien firmly responded for the tenth time. "You'll likely only wear the one dress for this single event. What could you possibly do with two?"

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