A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 117,233,045 Issue: 233 | 31st day of Running, Y8
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword sillygirl_543

Week - 182

The Misadventures of a Pink Lenny
by immortalmina
Description: TWACK!

Art by sillygirl_543

Week - 200

Tour at the Citadel
by jerk_head
Description: Right then, moving on.

Art by sillygirl_543

Week - 201

Something Has Happened
by tdyans
Description: AIEEEEEEE!!!

Drawn by sillygirl_543

Week - 204

Short Stuff
by unknown_xx
Description: You must be this tall to ride.

Also drawn by sillygirl_543

Week - 222

Triple Negative
by sillygirl_543
Description: Mission: Starry PB.

Week - 223

Notions and Nonsense: Practical Joke
by sillygirl_543
Description: That was NOT a nice thing you did!

Written by patjade

Week - 225

Triple Negative
by sillygirl_543
Description: You have to see it to believe it.

Week - 228

Triple Negative
by sillygirl_543
Description: Um...

Week - 230

Triple Negative
by sillygirl_543
Description: Prepare to die!

Week - 233

Triple Negative
by sillygirl_543
Description: Ugh. This head weighs a ton!

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In this game you are a Spyder, and a very handsome one, I might add. Your aim is to survive! To do this you must catch the bugs (Vernax) that scurry around so that you may feast on them later.

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Grundo Super Powers
SUPER ZAP!!!!!!!!

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Lollypop Got Your Tongue?
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Made With Real Fruit
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