Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 120,559,293 Issue: 234 | 7th day of Eating, Y8
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword cosmicfire918

Week - 158

SQUAD Squadron: First Mission -- Part Three
by cosmicfire918
Description: As Fenris padded into Mumbo Pango’s hut, Misty felt the slightest twinge of nervousness, but shook it off. She had asked to go on this mission, and she wasn’t going to go back to Faerieland until she had seen everything through.

Week - 161

Brightvale: The Next Darigan Citadel?
by cosmicfire918
Description: Surely the discovery of this new land heralds a new age for Neopia…AN AGE OF DARKNESS AND TERROR!!!

Week - 168

Let There Be Lighten: Part One
by cosmicfire918
Description: Because she was quite bored, Antikia decided to pass the time by doing a little spell a visiting Light Faerie had taught her back on her island...

Week - 169

Let There Be Lighten: Part Two
by cosmicfire918
Description: Antikia was sure that, if she could see Samuel's eyes, they would have been as big as Pinannas.

Week - 175

The Day I Taught at Neoschool
by cosmicfire918
Description: "'Dear cosmicfire918, our resident art teacher, Mr. Lupid, has just informed us that he has come down with a sudden case of NeoFlu and will need to stay home tomorrow to recuperate..."

Week - 180

Castle Battle Craziness
by cosmicfire918
Description: Good as new!

Written by tdyans

Week - 200

A Noteworthy Adventure: Part One
by cosmicfire918
Description: "I read a little bit of it, it's got a bunch of cool adventure stories," TK said. "I thought you might like it."

Week - 201

A Noteworthy Adventure: Part Two
by cosmicfire918
Description: Gai and I rounded a small hill and saw a cluster of lights. By that time, my legs were screaming for rest, but I just kept telling them that we had to get to a safe place to sleep...

Week - 202

A Noteworthy Adventure: Part Three
by cosmicfire918
Description: Sitting lazily on a large, golden throne was an Alien Aisha, a crown perched precariously on top of his bubble-like space helmet...

Week - 202

Fifty Reasons Why Pirates Pwn Thieves
by cosmicfire918
Description: Pirates pwn thieves. Without further ado, here’s fifty absolutely logical and un-debatable reasons why.

Week - 211

The Ensorcellator
by cosmicfire918
Description: "Average classes, average lunch--" Blynn was cut off by a sudden cold, wet feeling on her fur. She looked down, aghast, to see that someone had knocked her bottle of cherry juice into her lap. "Average bullies…"

Week - 215

Neopian Insanity
by cosmicfire918
Description: So, you got zapped Darigan...

Also by emmybug184

Week - 219

Neopian Insanity
by cosmicfire918
Description: Next Level: Puree.

Also by emmybug184

Week - 221

Neopian Insanity
by cosmicfire918
Description: HELP!!

Also by emmybug184

Week - 229

Neopian Insanity
by cosmicfire918
Description: Fiddlesticks!

Also by emmybug184

Week - 230

Neopian Insanity
by cosmicfire918
Description: I can't use this!

Also by emmybug184

Week - 232

Neopian Insanity
by cosmicfire918
Description: Uh oh...

Also by emmybug184

Week - 234

Neopian Insanity
by cosmicfire918
Description: And for dessert...

Also by emmybug184

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