Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 117,885,008 Issue: 236 | 21st day of Eating, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword pikachu_tamer

Week - 236

Jobs You Should Never Do
by pikachu_tamer
Description: Trying to look at the classifieds of the Neopian Times trying to find a suitable job to support your Neopets with no luck? Well, here are some jobs you should NOT try to find simply because it will be pointless in the end...

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A Brief Easter History Lesson
So THAT'S his secret...

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The Happiest Quiggle
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Being evil is harder than it looks... :)

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Now You See Me, Now You Don't: Part Six
Finally Marigold and Kipper fell down below the Money Tree in Neopia Central, utterly exhausted. "Would you like a free something?" the kindly tree asked with a smile on his face...

by mygoodguild


Chomper's Journal: An Arkmite's Story
Everyone's afraid of me! I only bite and snarl when I want to play with everyone, for Kelpbeard's sake!

by duster119

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